All-rounded Detox Therapy Get Ready

All-rounded detoxification element which can excrete waste and toxins thoroughly. It is applicable to those problems brought to our body in modern living, such as difficult defecation, pigmentation, face troubles overweight, bad breath, unsound sleep, lack of physical strength, indigestion, absolute swelling, dry and pale skin, poor immune system etc.

How does B&H work?

B&H is based on detoxification theory of “Excrete & tonify”. It is able to enhance health while cleansing the system.

6 steps of Detoxification Process

Step 1 | Everyone has toxins in body

B&H helps to excrete toxins caused by pollution, encrustation, slow metabolism, fat accumulation, etc.

Step 2 | Clear the detoxification passageway

It helps to to clear the detoxification passageway of human organ via bowels, skin, sweat gland, urinary system and digestive system etc. thereby toxins can be cleansed out readily.

Step 3 | Decompose toxins and detoxify naturally

Decompose, convert and purify toxins in all intestines, minimize damage of toxins to human body. The unique essence of COS™ helps to strengthen one’s detoxification ability.

Step 4 | Tonify and maintain good health

It can tonify the system in the process of detoxification and ensure everything, stay healthy.

Step 5 | Stimulate metabolism and control body weight

Clear toxins and fat away from body, facilitate bowel movement, prevent over absorption and stimulate metabolism of skin cells.

Step 6 | Good health dives you beauty and fitness

Consume for several days continuously to achieves better result of detoxification and remarkable improvement of body health and complexion.